Thank You For Attending Our 2018 AGM

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We had yet another successful Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Toronto. We would like to thank all those that came out to speak to our private practice audiologists. We really do appreciate the time that you take to help us succeed.

We received the following comment from one of our presenters:

“Thank you for including me in your recent program in Toronto.  It is truly encouraging to see the strong organization you all have built in Ontario focused on independent private practice.”

We would also like to recognize all those busy private practice audiologists that took the time out of their busy clinic schedules that came out to this yearly event. Our AGM is a great opportunity for like minded audiologists to meet and discuss matters that affect our profession and to collaborate on future endeavours.

The Ontario Association of Professional Audiology Clinics (OAPAC) advances the needs of Audiologist owned and operated private practice clinics. OAPAC is the only organization in Ontario dedicated solely to the needs of private practice audiologists. There is strength in numbers and Membership illustrates our dedication and proof of unity for the benefit of Audiologist-owned and operated private practice.


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